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Monday, 9 April 2012

World Superbikes / Langstone Wadeway

We're going to the bike racing at Assen in a couple of weeks.  The week following that I have a salvage course in Rotterdam (for work).  I'm looking forward to something other than commuting on the bike - a change of scenery.  Overnight ferry from Harwich will make a change from the usual dash for a channel port on the South Coast.  It will mean a break in the baking though for a couple of weeks.

Haven't done much for Easter, but managed to get a lot of seeds in the garden at last, painted up a garden storage box before it started raining, and finally fulfilled a minor ambition to walk across the Langstone Causeway. 

The causeway is reputedly very ancient, and still in good shape for 3/4 of the distance; firm and gravelled.  However a canal company dredged  a channel through it in 1824, a channel which is only really fordable on foot at lowest tides.  The causeway on the island side of that channel is buried in about 30cm of very sticky mud. 

Lowest Spring Tide was about 0700 this morning.  It started raining at 0645!  I didn't take a camera, so only the line of footprints through the mud evidence that I was ever there at all.  (I had to do the last bit through the mud in bare feet!)

As the rain has continued I am sorting out the recipe folder.  I'll find something novel to test and share it with you later.

A snap from last summer's garden

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